Saturday, January 17, 2015

There will always be enough

Lately a concern seems to stick near the top of my mind and heart but I was unable to voice it until now.  I am getting ready to do hospital chaplaincy (CPE) and then will go straight into internship.  This means my time at home, caring for the house and family will be shifting on a cosmic scale.  Not only will we need to learn new ways of keeping up with chores, but meals as well.  But that is not what I mean when I ask myself, "How do I feed my family during my training days as a Pastor and the days ahead?"
My concern for sufficient time to spend with my children as they go through some scary transitions and days (hello, high school and college can be scary, right?) is a priority and I wonder, how will I find enough time to feed the hearts and souls of my children with that nurturing love and place of comfort?
My answer came this past week as I was making blueberry scones for the cohorts attending intensives.  I explained that I could cut them smaller because no matter how small I cut them, they tend to end up rising up to the same size each time I bake them. One of my fellow cohorts looked at me and said, "see, there is always 'enough' in the body of Christ".  The 'ah-ha' nearly jumped out of my throat!
When we put the right ingredients in, the recipe will provide the volume necessary to feed all who are hungry.  If I can find those magic moments that my children and husband really seem to connect, I can begin to hedge those moments in and protect them against the natural tendency to get too busy.
So, I want to encourage you to use quality ingredients in your recipe of life, don't substitute- do the real thing and invest in your family.  Time is too brief and tomorrow will already be here.