Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Can we talk and fold laundry?

It would be so much easier if I could just follow my calling.  It sounds so wonderous and learned- going to seminary, learning Greek and Hebrew, Theology, etc.  In my mind at one point there was this idea that I would begin my days like Martin Luther, with at least an hour of prayer and then scripture would be my focus for the day.  I would lead my little family in learning and be the ideal helpmeet to my husband as he slaves away to make sure the bills are paid while I go to school. 
Not so. 

Instead, I find myself scrambling for the time to read my Bible each morning.  If I do not do it then, the likelihood exponentially decreases throughout the day.  I haven't picked up a Bible study all summer that really makes me dig deep.  And sadly, my intentional, scheduled, ideal prayer life has yet to come to fruition.  I find myself praying for the friend with breast cancer as I choose grapes or chicken at the market, or for the family who lost everything while I am folding my laundry.  This is hardly the dedicated time I wanted for me and God. 

Then I get reminded by my husband of Tevia from Fiddler on the Roof.  The man worked hard all day, his time for prayer was while he was working and it was a dedicated time for him and God.  That gets me to thinking, is it possible that my housework can be more than just me yapping at God and depleting the ever present laundry mound?  Is it possible that my time with God can be fruitful and dedicated even while I share it with physical activity that does not mirror the conversation?  I have no solid answer here, but my heart says yes.  I love to go 'do' with my husband.  I rarely want time where he and I just sit and talk to each other doing nothing else.  Not to say that isn't lovely too, but most of the time, we enjoy ourselves and our relationship more when we add an activity to it.  Hiking, yard work, baking, camping... you get the idea. 

My best phone calls with my gal pals are when we are busy cleaning the bathroom or kitchen and chatting on our bluetooth or headset.  We are more efficient somehow and amazingly, the conversations just flow and are rarely filled with fluff.  It is almost as though we are distracted enough to really be 'real' with each other and get to the nitty gritty.  I treasure those calls and while I may not be the best at carving out that dedicated time for God in this new season of life and schedules, I realize I have not left Him with nothing, but rather given Him a significant and valuable part of my day and life. 

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