Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tortillas with oregano

The kitchen is not very well appointed, but amazingly they have a rolling pin.  Target has a cast iron skillet.  I can do this.
Beginning of week two into my intensives during January, I am missing my family and caring for them.  Not even realizing I am doing it, I pull out my classic coping mechanism.  Cooking.  I need to cook.  My cohort is missing home and family too.  Some to the point of tears, just like me. Others, we can just 'see' it.  And they need fed.  They need a mama, a way to feel they are being nurtured and protected.  So I cook.  Comfort food.  Today, it will be tortillas.  Warm, soft, light, flecked with oregano and slathered in butter, they are a mother's hug for me. And today, at the moment the cohort begin to trickle in and grab one for themselves, they are feeling hugged too- comforted.  In comforting them, I am filling the void.  I am feeding them, the way that God feeds us when we are hungry- hungry for love, food, passion, compassion, and encouragement. One cohort commented, we are literally breaking bread together.  Amen.

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