Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First Week

       When I hear that word, I think of the traditional ones; first tooth, first step, first day of school, first job, and in that mindset, I realize that the title "First Week "epitomizes the journey of  new student orientation at Luther Seminary. Those other firsts hold so much potential, mark the beginning of a special journey, one that is unique to each person who marks that first moment.First Week at Luther Seminary holds nothing less.

      For me, I mark the moment that I stepped out of my dorm at Stub Hall that first morning. It was sunny with a touch of haze and as I looked across to Northwestern Hall, I saw pastel chalk writing along the steps and sidewalk ending in eager faces awaiting my approach, much like an eager family member at the airport gate. As I walked up those steps it reminded me of the excitement I felt when walking down the aisle to greet the groom who would become my partner for life. Potential and Promise. My first day as a Graduate student and even more monumental, my first day of following a call from God in pursuing my Master of Divinity.

     First Week was filled with many firsts for me. My first moment at Luther Seminary Campus. My first discussion with a professor. My first raising of the hand to offer a question. My first worship with this new family. It also marked the first time I went sight seeing alone in my life which included a feather being woven into my hair(Minnesota State Fair!), my first meal shared with other students, and my first shared communion with the fellowship of students and leadership at Luther.  Each a new beginning, full of that word again: Potential.

      Sadly, it was also the first night that I lost several hours of sleep to a skateboarder grinding on the steps between Stub and Northwestern Halls at 3 am. And only the first of many days where my mind would be full to overflowing with information and I would wonder if my head might pop off. But there is one first that really stood out; that moment, as the first hymn was being played and we waited to sing, at our first worship together, I had the first moment that I knew, without a doubt, this is where I am supposed to be. So many firsts are filled with insecurity and a fear of the unknown ahead, and yet, this first, this moment of absolute surety, left me only filled with gratitude and joy.

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