Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Real Students... we are!

     If you have never been a distance/distributed learning student you may not grasp this thought at first. In fact, I barely did when the topic was broached. I was blessed with an undergrad program at a state college that was robust and solid. I never once doubted I was a real student- the work was entirely too hard and the interaction too constant to ever believe otherwise.
     Yet, one night, alone in Stub Hall at the entrance awaiting pizza delivery, a pastor and his wife who were staying there for a conference stopped to chat. He told me, in his parting words, “don't you think, for even a moment that you are not a real student.” It registered but I dismissed it as the pizza came in the door- food can do that.
     On my last day at Luther though, this topic came up again. As the staff at the cafeteria (truly awesome and super friendly!) were sharing 'see ya laters' with me they reminded me that even while I am away from them and campus, I AM a real Luther student. At that moment (funny how that one also happened around food...) it sank in and as I wandered to my table, I began to ponder this. What does this mean? Why is this a concern? Who feels this way? Those questions asked, I am now leaving this thought with you... and an amusing video from an earlier cohort.

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